This one's been on the to-do list for a few months, but I've been a bit busy with fulltime work, freelance and parenthood. My son's kinder teacher and her husband are big Disney fans and asked me a few months ago upon learning that I used to work for the House of Mouse if I could draw them a picture of Donald Duck and his family.
During my time at Disney I never actually drew Donald, the only classic character I touched was Mickey, but hey, I'm up for a challenge. It helps that I've got a nice collection of model packs from my time there and Donald and Daisy were amongst them. What I was surprised to learn was there's very little in the way of model sheets for the nephews.
Anyway, I've finished this pic just in time, as it's my son's last day of kinder for the year tomorrow. This should make a nice Chrissy present.
Here's the rough below for those who're interested. Initially roughed in pencil, then assembled in photoshop and a second pass done, before redrawing in pencil for the final piece. I did a little adjust on Daisy and Donald's heads in the final version above.