A couple of weeks ago we had a weeks holiday to Merimbula on the NSW southern coast. We went with three other groups of friends and their kids as well. Despite the fact that I had been off work for a while it was a nice chance to get away and have a bit of a holiday. It was a lovely week and the weather was great, not to hot. The most suprising thing for us living in drought ravaged Melbourne was the green countryside - we'd almost forgotten what it looked like and were tempted to dig up a patch and bring back with us.
The warm weather gave us plenty of good opportunites to go swimming. Madi, doing very well with her swimming lessons was keen every chance she could get to head to the pool. This time she managed to drag Mummy in.

With her floaty ring, her confidence has grown enormously. She's quite happy now to go it alone and doesn't require Mummy or Daddy to hold on.

We also discovered on another day out that we have a budding golfer. She was quite taken with the mini golf and on this particular day wanted more return trips. Later on other days, any time she saw that giveaway giant golf ball, she wanted to have a go.

Picnic on the beach, enjoying running in the water. Lots of big splashes!!